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Exotic Care

Our team identifies deeply with exotic animals and we have a clear understanding that our exotic community needs us more due to there being so fewer facilities that are able to treat and care for exotic patients. We are proud to be able to offer your fuzzy, feathered, and scaled friends the proper care that they deserve.

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Our team is passionate about providing your pets with excellent care. While here for your pet's appointment, our doctor will do an extensive physical exam to determine your  pet's health. If applicable, we will also discuss proper nutrition, environment, lighting, and enrichment. If diagnostic work is needed, our facility is able to offer radiographs, fecal testing, bloodwork, and infectious disease testing. Grooming services are also available upon request such as nail, beak, wing, and/or sanitary trims. 

If you are a new exotic owner, congratulations! Our team is excited to walk you through every step needed in order to properly care for your new pet. 


*Please note that our office will see all exotic pets EXCEPT venomous snakes, bees, fish, or amphibians.*


Our office proudly works with certified rehabbers to help treat and release injured local wildlife.


If you are unsure if an animal is truly injured or needs help, please visit: 


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